Mike's Fitness Shoot

Recently did an exclusive Photoshoot with pro athlete and currently now a personal trainer, Mike Lockley. Mike Lockley has the grind, grit, and go-getter attitude like no one I've ever seen before. Putting in work in his gym and continuously striving to motivate others and those he trains, I just had to capture it. Was given the opportunity to perform a photoshoot with mike as he went through one of his personal sessions of fitness and exercise.

During this photoshoot, Mike performed multiple fitness activities that were just jaw dropping. I performed a few stunts as well. As he is a former pro athlete from the NFL, he was also not shy to go ahead and perform a bunch of high flying stunts as well. One of his favorite things to do is test his leap capability in which I was able to witness first hand, exactly how high he can jump and is capable of reaching. He also makes sure to pin point his training in tweaking his exercises so that he is also very agile and nimble, allowing him to not only be extremely strong but also be very quick and light with his movements. 

He tested his strength, quickness, agility, and his ability to excel with high flying stunts. Shooting with Mike is and will always be an honor. Check out the photos from this set and make sure to keep on the lookout for future shoots as well as his talent.